4 HIIT Cycle Workouts To Incinerate Fat

HIIT Cycle Workouts

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If you’re looking to incinerate fat, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) cycle workouts are a great option. HIIT involves alternating short periods of intense exercise with brief rest periods, and has been shown to be more effective than traditional cardio for weight loss. In addition, HIIT can improve your cardiovascular health, increase your endurance, and help you build muscle. Read on to find the best HIIT cycle workouts to help you meet your fitness goals.

What Is HIIT?

By now you’ve heard all the (well-earned) hype surrounding high intensity interval training, or HIIT for short. These short, very intense workouts boost your aerobic and anaerobic fitness, improve insulin sensitivity, burn off dangerous belly fat while helping you maintain lean muscle mass, and of course make you faster and stronger on the bike.

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They’re also a Godsend when you’re strapped for time and have to make every second count (and have no fear, you’ll be counting the seconds when you do these!).


HIIT is excellent for a variety of reasons which we will explore below:

HIIT Cycling Workout Benefits

Losing body fat (while retaining lean body mass)

HIIT workouts are short and sweet, but they’re also incredibly effective for fat loss. In fact, one study showed that HIIT burns 25-30% more calories than traditional cardio (like jogging or swimming at a moderate pace). And not only does HIIT burn more calories during the actual workout, but it also keeps your metabolism revved up for hours afterwards. So you’ll continue to burn calories and fat long after your workout is over.

Improving insulin sensitivity

HIIT workouts can improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin, which is important for both diabetes prevention and blood sugar control. In one study, obese women who did HIIT three times per week for 20 minutes per session improved their insulin sensitivity by 23% after just eight weeks.

Strengthening the cardiovascular system

HIIT workouts give your heart and lungs a serious workout, which can help improve your overall cardiovascular heart health and improve your blood pressure. In one study, people who did HIIT three times per week for eight weeks improved their VO2 max (a measure of cardiorespiratory fitness) by 7%.

If you have lower back pain, riding a stationary bike is sometimes difficult. If this is you, see our guide to the best Recumbent Exercise Bikes for lower back pain.

Developing sport-specific energy systems (e.g. training for that Olympic cycling team)

HIIT can help you develop the energy systems you need for specific sports. For example, if you’re training for a road cycling event, HIIT workouts can help you build the endurance you need to ride long distances. Similarly, if you’re training for a track cycling event, HIIT can help you develop the short, explosive bursts of energy you need to sprint around the Velodrome.

Adding HIIT cycling sessions on your rest days during strength training

If you’re doing strength training to build muscle, HIIT workouts can be a great addition to your training on rest days. They help improve blood flow to muscles, which can speed up the recovery process and reduce inflammation. These workouts are more engaging than low resistance workouts and will improve your efforts to when compared to the same resistance and effot.

Developing “work capacity” (i.e. the ability to tolerate a high level of intensity for a longer period)

HIIT can help you develop your work capacity, or the ability to tolerate a high level of intensity for an extended period of time. This is important not only for athletes, but also for people who have physically demanding jobs (e.g. first responders, military personnel, etc.).

Improving fat and carbohydrate oxidation in skeletal muscle

HIIT cycling has been shown to be an effective way to improve fat and carbohydrate oxidation in skeletal muscle. HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is a type of exercise that alternates between periods of high intensity effort and recovery.

HIIT cycling involves riding at a high intensity for a short period of time, followed by a period of recovery at a lower intensity. HIIT has been shown to be more effective than traditional endurance training at improving fat and carbohydrate oxidation in skeletal muscle. HIIT cycling is an ideal workout for those looking to improve their fat and carbohydrate oxidation rates.

Developing “mental toughness”

HIIT cycling is a great way to develop mental toughness. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training, and it involves alternating between periods of all-out effort and active recovery. HIIT cycling is a great way to push your limits and build mental toughness because it forces you to work hard when you’re already tired.

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Additionally, HIIT cycling helps you to become more mentally tough by teaching you how to cope with discomfort and fight through fatigue. HIIT cycling is an excellent way to develop the mental toughness that will help you succeed in any area of your life.

Challenging the fast twitch muscle fibers

HIIT cycling is a great way to challenge the fast twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for short bursts of speed. HIIT bike workouts can be done on a stationary bike or a regular bike. To do HIIT cycling on a stationary bike, start by pedaling at a moderate pace for two minutes. Then, increase to a high resistance and pedal as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Reduce the resistance and pedal at a moderate pace for one minute. Repeat this cycle for a total of 20 minutes.

For HIIT cycling on a regular bike, find a flat stretch of road. Pedal at a moderate pace for two minutes. Then, increase your speed and pedal as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Slow down and pedal at a moderate pace for one minute. Repeat this cycle for a total of 20 minutes. HIIT cycling is an effective way to improve cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance. It is also a great way to burn calories in a short period of time.

HIIT is extremely time efficient. It lets you get a bigger training effect with less time spent by expending more effort and will increase your metabolism. And compared to a 45-minute jog, 5 min of HIIT bike workout is a lot easier on the joints.

How to Do HIIT Cycle Workouts

How to Do HIIT Cycle Workouts

HIIT workouts can be done with any type of cardio machine, but they’re especially well-suited for cycling because you can control the intensity of your workout so precisely. And since cycling is a low-impact activity, it’s easy on your joints and perfect for people who are injury-prone or have joint pain.

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To do a HIIT workout on a bike, start by warming up for 5-10 minutes at an easy pace. Then, increase the intensity to a level that feels like a 8-9 on a scale of 1-10 for 30 seconds to 2 minutes. You should be working hard, but still able to carry on a conversation. After the work period, decrease the intensity to an easy level for 1-2 minutes to catch your breath before starting the next work period. Repeat the work/recovery cycles for a total of 20-30 minutes.

The HIIT Bike Workouts

Below are 4 HIIT Cycle Workouts to help you incinerate fat and build lean muscle. They are not for the faint-hearted, but if you’re looking to make some serious changes to your physique, HIIT is the way to go.

HIIT Bike Workout 1

If you’re new to HIIT cycle workouts, start with a basic workout like the one below. This workout consists of four rounds of 30 seconds of hard cycling followed by one minute of easy cycling. If you can’t cycle for 30 seconds at a time, start with 15 seconds and gradually work your way up.

Perform a three-minute warm-up at 65% maximum heart rate.

Explode hard and fast for twenty seconds, recover for ten seconds and repeat for eight rounds.

Perform a three-minute cool down at a comfortable pace.

HIIT Workouts – Workout 2

Perform a three-minute warm-up at 65% maximum heart rate.

Pedal hard as possible for thirty seconds, recover for thirty seconds and repeat. Your RPM during work sets should exceed 120.

Perform three-minute cool down.

High Intensity Interval Training Workout 3

Perform a three-minute warm-up at 65% maximum heart rate.

Cycle for 1km as fast as possible. Then continue to cycle at a comfortable pace until your heart rate reaches 125 RPM and repeat for five rounds.

Perform a three-minute cool down at a comfortable pace.

Workout 4

Perform a three-minute warm-up at 65% maximum heart rate.

Bring your RPM up to 110. Every thirty seconds increase the resistance one notch until you can no longer maintain a 110 RPM pace.

Rest for three minutes and then repeat for three rounds for this HIIT bike workout. Perform a three-minute cool down at a comfortable pace.

Alternatives for Cycling

If you are looking to mix-up your HIIT workout consider giving our HIIT Treadmill Workout or our HIIT Elliptical Workout a try!

Both are great workouts that will get your heart rate up and help you burn fat.

HIIT vs LISS Cardio

So now that we know all the amazing benefits of HIIT, you might be wondering how it stacks up against other types of cardio. Well, for starters, HIIT is more effective than traditional cardio for fat loss. In one study, participants who did HIIT burned nearly twice as much fat as those who did steady-state cardio.

HIIT Cycle Workouts vs LISS

In addition, high intensity intervals is more efficient than LISS (low-intensity steady state) cardio, meaning you can get all the benefits of a longer training session in a fraction of the time. For example, if you jog for 30 minutes at a moderate pace, you’ll burn around 150 calories. But if you do 10 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill, you can burn up to 200 calories.

Wrapping Up

HIIT is a great way to improve your cardiovascular fitness, build lean muscle, and burn fat. And the best part is, you don’t need a lot of time to see results. A HIIT workout can be as short as 10 minutes, but it will leave you feeling like you just ran a marathon.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your bike and get started!

Is HIIT on a bike effective?

Yes, HIIT training on a bike can be effective for fat loss, building lean muscle, and improving cardiovascular fitness. In one study, participants who did HIIT burned nearly twice as much fat as those who did steady-state cardio. And because HIIT is more efficient than LISS (low-intensity steady state) cardio, you can get all the benefits of a longer training session in a fraction of the time.

What is a HIIT cycle workout?

HIIT exercises include short intervals of exercise near maximum intensity with periods of recuperation. HIIT workouts can only be performed by bicycle as they are varied and offer different benefits in various ways.

Is HIIT cycling good for weight loss?

One of the biggest benefits of interval training is weight loss. These exercises help you burn more calories, improve your strength and endurance and reduce weight. HIIT training and moderate intensity continuous training reduced body fat by 10% after 12 weeks.

Is HIIT or cycling better?

Both are great workouts that will get your heart rate up and help you burn fat. However, HIIT sessions is more effective than traditional cardio for fat loss. In one study, participants who did HIIT intervals burned nearly twice as much fat as those who did steady-state cardio.